> Can anyone explain how the tag works?
> Does the tag create a temp file and tell IIS to return that file?
> (creating more drive access overhead and longer CF execution
> time) is the data to be returned piped to IIS instead?
> (creating memory usage overhead and longer CF execution time)
> or, does CF point IIS to the file that I want returned?
> (which should be the same resource wise as just directly
> linking to the file in the first place)

I'm not absolutely sure about the internals of CF, but I can tell you that
CF doesn't just point IIS to the file. There is significant overhead to
using CFCONTENT to return files, beyond the overhead of a web server
returning those files.

> I had looked at Apache as an option for the server to use the
> .htaccess files to prevent hotlinking, however the server
> also needs to run several ASP applications which I've had
> difficulty getting going under Apache.
> Of course if anyone knows of another way to prevent
> hotlinking, I would be grateful to hear it :)

There are all sorts of approaches you might consider, such as the use of
non-anonymous logins in IIS combined with filesystem permissions on the
files in question which can be set from your CF program in various ways, or
the use of temporary symbolic links to directories that aren't usually

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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