break down of market share.. I don't see ValiCert (go daddy) in there... doesn't exist no more.. but checkout some of there pages
on WayBackMachine..

We use GeoTrust QuickSSL ($45.00/yr).. used to be with thawte but once
veriSign took over.. kissed them goodby..

If you need a SSL seal.. then go with a certificate that provides one..
(GeoT QuickSSL Pro, VeriSign, Comodo.. etc..) stay away from vendors
that relay on Baltimore Tech Root.. in the past they seem to have had
many problems..

Damien McKenna wrote:
> Tim Laureska wrote:
>  >Yeah, I know what you said in the previous email... but where do you
>  >check stats like that ... is there a web site that tracks this or how
>  >would you determine their "stats" other than relying on what they say in
>  >their web site?
>  >  
>  >
> I don't know of any off hand.  I would say that if a base install of IE
> 5.0 (e.g. Windows 2000) can't support them then you might consider
> something else.
> --
> *Damien McKenna* - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
> "Nothing endures but change." - Heraclitus
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