Don, I suggest you just dive in and have a go at a simple CFC  - say
using it for a database add/delete/edit/list.  From that you'll get
most of the concepts, and work on from there.   There are tutorials
for that and the livedocs have examples of this application if i
recall correctly.

If you know how to query a database and display the results, the leap
won't be big  for you.    Then you'll know the basic syntax for a CFC
file,  how to call it and pass variables back and forth to and from
it.  I bet you'll be sold at that point.

Then you can work outwards from there, adding more complexity -
inheritance, init methods, web services etc from that.

Must my $0.02.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year

On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 21:54:47 -0400, Don Chunshen Li
> ...
> >"Discovering CFCs" by Hal Helms (bear in mind it was written for CFMX
> >6.0 so it uses "this" scope)
> Please elaborate a bit on [bear in mind it was written for CFMX
> 6.0 so it uses "this" scope].  Some review claims that the book talks too
> much about Java ...
> >Otherwise just read a lot of blogs... lots of good CFC stuff out there...
> You're right, however, it's not systematic, maybe, no choice.
> >Are you looking for something specific?
> Not really, if possible, a systematic approach to the grasp of cfc, too bad
> I did not get on the cfc wagon when cfmx first rolled out for reason I
> prefer not to say in public.
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