I know topics like this come up a lot, but I'm not having much results
in the archives (some of the links are broken in the search results).

We have a dedicated CF5 server at one host (a host which knows nothing
about ColdFusion -- we're moving to CFX Hosting in the next month or
so) where the cfserver process is running at 99% CPU utilization.

Right now, the application is running (so the server's not locked up),
but e-mails are either very slow to go out or they're not going out at
all [based on the spool directory], so this is a pretty big issue.
(Also, trying to manage the machine with PC Anywhere is interminably

Here are some things we've discovered:

1) Around the same time as this happening [we think, we can't really
nail down when this started], one of our developers was uploading a
file via RDS that got interrupted, corrupting the file [actually, the
RDS service was still locked onto the file, preventing us from
deleting  or resaving it until we stopped the service].
2) The server.log has only one entry from yesterday that might explain
it:  "Error in exception handler".  However, that occurred 2 hours
after the RDS incident.  All the other entries in the server log are
NT errors 232 or 109 [probably slow pages], but there are already
plenty of entries for those throughout the log, not just yesterday.
3) The partition on which CF and the application is WAS full [which I
know is a possible cause for this].  But, now, there is almost a gig
of space free on that partition (and almost 10GB free on the other
4) The host restarted the server prior to clearing out the space.
5) Restarting the CF Application service has no effect. Once it
starts, it goes right back to 99% CPU.
6) Despite our web host promising to clear out the log files once a
week, they haven't since January.  So, the scheduler.log was 17MB.
I've since deleted it.

My best guess is that the RDS incident has nothing to do with this
issue and is just a coincidence of timing.

Is there anything else that can cause this?  Or, does the whole
machine need to be restarted after clearing out the hard drive space
for this to resolve itself?  (Since it was restarted prior to clearing
out the space).

Restarting the server is a huge deal, and not something I want to do.
But, since the only other thing I can think of is to reinstall CF, I'd
rather restart than re-install.


Scott Brady
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