disable the <CFERROR tags so that errors are handled in default manner
and then have a very close look at your error templates.

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 15:24:55 -0600, Scott Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 22:15:53 +0100, Michael Traher  wrote:
> > Something that has caught us from time to time on CF5, is an error in
> >  an error handler template - which I guess creates some kind of endless
> >  loop - sometimes the error only crops up under certain circumstances
> >  so you can be lulled.....
> >
> Well that would seem to fit our circumstances (since our log did have
> "Error in Exception Handler" around that time).  But, how do we fix
> it? Would it still be in an endless loop after restarting the machine?
> [It's possble the error handler was called again, I suppose]
> Scott
> --
> -----------------------------------------
> Scott Brady
> http://www.scottbrady.net/________________________________
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