Sure this is my code , to try
1.-, get all client variables from the CDATA
2.-then look for that variables  like  client.foo1.foo2
3.- delete client variables from the CDATA nad put it again without the
client.foo1.foo2 variables looks like.

<cfquery name="sel_client" datasource="cfvariables">
select * from cdata
where CFID = '#CFID#:#CFTOKEN#'
<cfset tmp = listtoarray(,"##")>
<cfdump var="#tmp#" label="original">
<cfoutput>#arrayFind(tmp,"cotizacion.")#<br></cfoutput> <!--- here looking
for clients var like client.cotizacion.var1 ; client.cotizacion.var2 etc
while(arrayFind(tmp,"cotizacion.") neq 0)
  writeoutput("encontre una cotizacion en la posicion
while(arrayFind(tmp,"contrato.") neq 0)
<cfdump var="#tmp#" label="without variables look like">
<!--- this return an array truly without that vars -->
<cfquery name="del_client" datasource="cfvariables">
delete from dbo.cdata
where CFID = '#CFID#:#CFTOKEN#'
<cfquery name="del_client" datasource="cfvariables">
delete from dbo.cglobal
where CFID = '#CFID#:#CFTOKEN#'
<cfset tmp = arraytolist(tmp,"##")>
<cfquery name="add_client" datasource="cfvariables">
insert into dbo.cdata (CFID,APP,DATA)
<cfcatch type="database">
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
<cfquery name="lst_client" datasource="cfvariables">
select * from cdata
where CFID = '#CFID#:#CFTOKEN#'

<cfdump var="#lst_client#" label="get the vars from CDATA again..">

And the f.... vars are still there...

i tried too deleteclientvariable("") but this dont delete it.


De: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Viernes, 08 de Octubre de 2004 13:41
Para: CF-Talk
Asunto: Re: Urgent : problem with Client Variables.

On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 13:41:59 -0400, David Manriquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi there :
> please anyone solved this issue?
> I have clients variables that i want to delete but usign the
> deleteclientvariable or using a query to delete direct from
> the database  ( where my clients vars are stored ) but the f... variable
> still there..
> variables like are deleted , but variables like
> can't
> anyone knows Why?

Can you share some code?
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