On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 14:19:20 -0400, David Manriquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah i know CFMX cant create complex variables in client Scope.
> but this variables are created without any warning or error throw by
> coldfusion Compiler.
> <cfset client.contract.id = "foo"> is a valid client variable
> This behavior  create this kind of variables and then you cannot delete is
> not useful.
> :-S
> I have a lot variables like that. :-S any other suggestions?

Downgrade from CFMX? ;)

Seriously, it's a known change in behavior between ColdFusion 5 (and
earlier) and ColdFusion MX that variables with periods in their name
are implicitly converted to structures. Whether you like it or don't
like it, that's just the way MX works. The only suggestion I have is
one that Dave Watts mentioned: changed from periods to another
character, such as underscores.

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