I think what Dave Watts was saying was that when you do
client.contract.id, CF actually creates a structure named client.  Thus,
that variable is not really a client variable, just a variable within a
structure called client.  Maybe you can use structDelete() to get rid of


-----Original Message-----
From: David Manriquez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 2:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Urgent : problem with Client Variables.

Yeah i know CFMX cant create complex variables in client Scope.

but this variables are created without any warning or error throw by
coldfusion Compiler.

<cfset client.contract.id = "foo"> is a valid client variable

This behavior  create this kind of variables and then you cannot delete
is not useful.


I have a lot variables like that. :-S any other suggestions?


De: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: Viernes, 08 de
Octubre de 2004 14:18
Para: CF-Talk
Asunto: RE: Urgent : problem with Client Variables.

> I have clients variables that i want to delete but usign the
> deleteclientvariable or using a query to delete direct from
> the database  ( where my clients vars are stored ) but the
> f... variable is still there..
> variables like  client.foo are deleted , but variables like
> client.contract.id can't

In CFMX, when you create a variable like "contract.id", CF creates a
structure called "contract", and then a key called "id". This is new
behavior in CFMX, I think. You can't store structures in the Client
so I would strongly recommend that you restrict the names of your Client
variables to letters, numbers and underscores.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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