
I definitely agree with you that Blackstone's features (even CFMX's feature
set as well ) make it a very sophisticated server. No question about that.
Having been a past member of Team Allaire (before the MM acquisition) and a
CF instructor, I've been fortunate to have been involved in the early stages
of many CF iterations and BlackStone will be a monumental leap forward.

That doesn't mitigate the fact that perception counts more for sales than
feature set does. Microsoft has proven that over and over. CF has never
truly been accepted as an Enterprise application server because of it's RAD
legacy. It's viewed as a toy. I've had this debate over and over with so
many people. Even people that were being sent to ColdFusion classes would
have this debate with me until I sat them down and gave them a rundown of
what was under the hood.

 In my area (South Florida), adoption of ColdFusion is almost nil. It was
once a big player (especially during the dotcom craze) but has since fallen
out of favor. I've heard on more than one occasion from middle managers and
executive management staffers (CTOs, VPs of IT, et al) that they would
choose PHP or ASP.Net over ColdFusion because of the cost. Perhaps it's
limited to my area or perhaps Macromedia's sales presence is just abysmal
here. I don't know but I do know that it's a sad state of affairs for those
who are trying to find ColdFusion opportunities in this area.

It doesn't thrill me to have to look at alternatives. After so many years of
CF development, I still love to code in CFML. It's straightforward and
works. I just have to be pragmatic and for the area that *I* live in, CF
doesn't seem to have a bright future.


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