maybe u should cheat
and at least add doctypes to your sites
from your homepage
No DOCTYPE Found! Falling Back to HTML 4.01 Transitional

and u still fail to see the point of the whole thing was that u said u can code 
so much faster in .net, what u failed to say was with an program that does most 
of the work generically for you and u pointed it towards someone who was hand 
coding cfm, well duh dingbat

so are u saying that u can HAND CODE .net FASTER than HAND CODING cfm?

and dont try and pull that "i wasnt talking about hand coding " either.

if ur gunna compare something like that do it with LIKE properties 

and if those pages in your portfolio were generated by that tool, i would be 
scared, not even a doc type?
come on now

i cant find 1 of your pages that validates oh html, xhtml or css

i wouldnt want a tool that did that

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Sat, 11 Dec 2004 14:43:47 -0400

>> how did i make your point? your point is stupid
>> also i have been on the plum beta since the beggining so i know what 
>> it can and cant do
>Maybe they should take that notice off the site then? 
>> if ur gunna come on here and say "oh with this app i can write faster 
>> in .net that u can hand code in cfm" thats just dumb, if u need to 
>> cheat to make u feel better then go ahead but i doubt anyone on here 
>> will be fooled. u ever hear of "apples to apples?"
>Go to , look at the portfolio, and tell me if I cheat or 
>not. You remind me of this little nerd I met who told me I was cheating by 
>using Dreamweaver. He coded EVERYthing in Notepad. So I asked him a simple 
>question. "Did you drive to school today? Because if you drove and didn't 
>walk, you cheated!"
>> that tool u suggest doesnt seem to give u much creative control at 
>> least plum will let u still be an individual and style it how u wish
>You're illustrating your ignorance of the product here. It's simple. You 
>design a page however you like. html, javascript, etc. You can make it look 
>like cirque du soleil for all it cares. Then place xml controls wherever they 
>should be on the page. Open it in Iron Speed and it converts everything to 
> Done! 

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