> ASP.NET is taking market away from CF!

I doubt you can substantiate that. CF's market share appears to have shrunk
from the old 2.0 and 3.0 days, but there's been a lot more going on than
ASP.NET. In fact, ASP.NET is a minor blip on CF's radar when compared to the
giant swarm of open-source development platforms like PHP.

>  I'm just trying to wake people up...

Why? Perhaps people know something about their businesses or clients that
you don't.

> CF is still 
> outrageous to purchase.

(1) Anyone who is price-conscious won't be using ASP.NET. They'll be using
PHP or Ruby on a Linux box.

(2) Anyone who is forced to pay an outrageous price for CF (those in need of
Enterprise features) is already paying much, much more for the development
and hosting of a large, complicated, and clustered application.

Roger Benningfield
JournURL: http://journurl.com/
blog: http://admin.support.journurl.com/  

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