> Use a structure for storing the basket contents by all means, however
> instead of session.basketContents, convert the structure to a WDDX
> object and store it as client.basketContents - That way you're not using
> precious RAM but cheap disk space.

Storing application- and user-specific data is what precious RAM is for!

In an application environment with a single application server, you will
typically achieve significantly higher performance under load by storing
things in memory rather than fetching them from the database for each page
request. You may need to provision your server's RAM adequately to ensure
you have enough for the number of concurrent users you need to support, but
RAM is comparatively cheap.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - RUWebby

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