> I'm not sure how this relates in CF...
> The only real way that I know of to get a real deadlock in CF is to nest
> lock requests.  Like the following:
> <cflock scope="Application" ...>
>       <cflock scope="Session" ...>
>       </cflock>
> </cflock>

As far as I know, it's only possible via nested locks. There's actually a
good deal on deadlocks in the ColdFusion documentation:



> And even then is only a real problem if you are inconsistent with the
> nesting order of the lock requests.

But what happens if you call a UDF, CFC method or custom tag within a lock?
Each of these provides a degree of encapsulation, meaning you don't know
what they might be doing.

> I don't think CF does anything
> special about this however - the templates just timeout normally unable
> to finish their work.

I think you're correct. In fact, I was trying to argue that the problem is
that ColdFusion does not recognize deadlocks like an RDBMS would, for
instance. ColdFusion can't detect a deadlock situation, choose a deadlock
victim, and rollback the changes that that script has made.

> In other words I don't believe CF has the concept of deadlock victims, but
> I could be wrong.  As far as I can tell when a lock request times out, 
> it's dead - it either skips the locked code (being unable to obtain the 
> lock) or ends the template with an error (depending on how you set up the 
> lock request).

I used the term "deadlock victims" in the first paragraph to mean the
templates were victims of a deadlock situation, not that ColdFusion had
determined that they were deadlocked victims and treated them as such. Sorry
for the confusion.

> I'm way too tired to consider this clearly, but I'm not sure I see the
> potential for a deadlock where "some" locked code is run and would need to
> be "rolled back" (I'm not sure how you would roll back arbitrary code even
> then).

The issue with race conditions is that you end up with data that's in an
inconsistent state. If you have two templates that get terminated because of
a deadlock situation, both templates could have updated some information,
but not all. In other words, the end result of a race condition and a
deadlock is the same: inconsistent data.

Instead of a race condition (which can often be harmless), you caused a
deadlock. Neither process finished. Some data reflects the state before each
template ran. Some data, after. With a deadlock, the user gets an error in
the process.

Ben Rogers

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - New Atlanta

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