Many session-based sites run well without any cflocks but they're
smaller sites.. It doesn't seem to me to be a policy of knowing what
your doing or not, its more about the fact that you don't ever want
data mixed up, ever.

To me its worth a few more lines of code to always protect my user's
data. I can see where locking or not locking application variables
could be harmless but I stand firm on sessions needing to be locked.

On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 16:52:00 -0500, Jim Davis
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ben Rogers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 4:28 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: RE: Well - I feel like an idiot.
> >
> > But what happens if you call a UDF, CFC method or custom tag within a
> > lock?
> > Each of these provides a degree of encapsulation, meaning you don't know
> > what they might be doing.
> Which is exactly why you have to be consistent with locking.  ;^)
> Generally nesting concerns would only happen with scope level locking or
> site-wide name-level locks.  In those cases, despite the encapsulation of
> extensions you'll need to know something about the application architecture
> to create them in first place (I think).
> > > In other words I don't believe CF has the concept of deadlock victims,
> > but
> > > I could be wrong.  As far as I can tell when a lock request times out,
> > > it's dead - it either skips the locked code (being unable to obtain the
> > > lock) or ends the template with an error (depending on how you set up
> > the
> > > lock request).
> >
> > I used the term "deadlock victims" in the first paragraph to mean the
> > templates were victims of a deadlock situation, not that ColdFusion had
> > determined that they were deadlocked victims and treated them as such.
> > Sorry for the confusion.
> No problem - this is just a topic I'm very interested in.
> > > I'm way too tired to consider this clearly, but I'm not sure I see the
> > > potential for a deadlock where "some" locked code is run and would need
> > to
> > > be "rolled back" (I'm not sure how you would roll back arbitrary code
> > even
> > > then).
> >
> > The issue with race conditions is that you end up with data that's in an
> > inconsistent state. If you have two templates that get terminated because
> > of
> > a deadlock situation, both templates could have updated some information,
> > but not all. In other words, the end result of a race condition and a
> > deadlock is the same: inconsistent data.
> True - but that would be a failure of design, not of locking.  If your
> template is doing something outside of locks that would affect code inside
> of locks like that I would think you'd need to reevaluate how you're doing
> things.
> > Instead of a race condition (which can often be harmless), you caused a
> > deadlock. Neither process finished. Some data reflects the state before
> > each
> > template ran. Some data, after. With a deadlock, the user gets an error in
> > the process.
> That depends - but I agree in theory.  I still stand by my belief that
> locking is safer than unlocking if you don't know what you're doing.
> In most cases data integrity is more important than experience and since
> nested locks are the only way to create a deadlock in CF it seems to me rare
> that a novice would encounter the issue.
> Of course I think we both can agree that the preferred thing is to actually
> gain an understanding of threaded requests and locking before writing a CF
> application.  ;^)
> In practice I actually write much more like you're talking about: very few
> locks.  Since I know (or at least think I know) what's what I feel confident
> in choosing when to an when not to lock.
> Then I get bitten in the ass by something the code that I started the thread
> with.  ;^)  (I know that wasn't really a locking issue per se, but it's
> definitely in the ballpark.)
> Jim Davis

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