My two cents worth.

Better Linux support.  It's nice that CFMX can run on Red Hat, but Red Hat is 
too bloated (IMO) for server use (not talking about the enterprise RH - which 
most of us don't use and I have no experience with).  There are better 
distros for servers - Gentoo, BSD, etc.  Getting CFMX running on them is NOT 
a simple task.  Even just a document that lists what dependencies are 
required - just where does the installer expect to find the JRE, etc - so we 
can create the necessary symlinks, and/or install the needed packages.

(Disclaimer:  It's been about a year since I tried to get CFMX running on a 
Gentoo server with no luck.  Things might have changed since then...)

Linux support across the board would be great.  In the past year or so, I've 
switched exclusively to a Linux desktop (due to a number of issues with 
windows) - so much for getting Dreamweaver running.  Unless I want to use 
Wine (which causes performance issues on my system), or a virtual environment 
like VMWare - which defeats the purpose.  There is a demand for a *nix 
equivalent app like Dreamweaver - and it doesn't even need to be open source.  
If Macromedia doesn't supply it, an open source project will, and then 
Macromedia will loose the momentum on Linux.

My thoughts....


On Wednesday 12 January 2005 01:23, Mark Drew wrote:
> I think Flex pricing is too high. RIA's are a new technology in the
> sense of customer buy in. There isnt yet the market "must have" demand
> for them.
> If it was priced alongside with CFMX as a server it would be an easier
> sell.
> You have to have a good application in mind, and until these
> applications have propagated enough (i.e.. Amazon suddenly goes RIA)
> clients wont be "asking" for them but us the developers offering them.
> Bring down the price, make a cut down (ish) version, a non enterprise
> version (whatever that would ACTUALLY mean) and let the clients get a
> taste for it
> Just my 0.02 Euros worth
> Mark Drew

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