On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 01:58:46 -0700, Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My two cents worth.
> Better Linux support.  It's nice that CFMX can run on Red Hat, but Red Hat is
> too bloated (IMO) for server use (not talking about the enterprise RH - which
> most of us don't use and I have no experience with).  There are better
> distros for servers - Gentoo, BSD, etc.  Getting CFMX running on them is NOT
> a simple task.  Even just a document that lists what dependencies are
> required - just where does the installer expect to find the JRE, etc - so we
> can create the necessary symlinks, and/or install the needed packages.

I agree and throw in the Mac too. I got BlueDragon to work with
linux/apache on Debain by following their instructions on how to
install on a non-red hat box - mostly just making some symlinks. MX
could do the same. And the stand alone server install on Mac was an
installer - double click server - nice

> Linux support across the board would be great.  In the past year or so, I've
> switched exclusively to a Linux desktop (due to a number of issues with
> windows) - so much for getting Dreamweaver running.  Unless I want to use
> Wine (which causes performance issues on my system), or a virtual environment
> like VMWare - which defeats the purpose.  There is a demand for a *nix
> equivalent app like Dreamweaver - and it doesn't even need to be open source.
> If Macromedia doesn't supply it, an open source project will, and then
> Macromedia will loose the momentum on Linux.

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