On 9/3/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] penned:
>Is there a way to actually extract information from URL's, like only the
>information you want, instead of the other stuff that you don't want?

If you view the source of the page you want, then say there is a 
section that always changes dynamically and that is what you are 
trying to get, and if you can find something before that that never 
changes then you would do a "find()" for that string, then add the 
number of characters to the position where you want to start your 
extraction. Same thing for the end. Then your subtract the start 
position from the end position and that would be the mid() function 
you would run on it.

Example on a block of test that happens to be in a preformmated tag block:

<cfset begin = Find("<pre>", CFHTTP.FileContent)>
<cfset end = Find("</pre>", CFHTTP.FileContent)>
<cfset return = end - begin + 6>

We add the begin + 6 so it includes the end pre tag. The find on 
</pre> returns the starting position of the < and we want the 
starting position of the >.

So what you have is, if the first pre tag starts at position 400 and 
the end pre tag starts at position 600, then we want to extract (600 
- 400 + 6) or 206 characters starting at position 400, or:

<cfoutput>#mid(CFHTTP.FileContent, begin, return)#</cfoutput>

Which in reality is:

<cfoutput>#mid(CFHTTP.FileContent, 400, 206)#</cfoutput>

You can basically search for any text that is never going to change 
and always be in the same position relative to the text you're trying 
to extract. If the beginning search string is before the text you 
want to extract, then add the number of characters (view the source, 
count the line breaks also) to the content you want to extract.

Then you can add to the begin variable like this:

<cfset begin = Find("some html code", CFHTTP.FileContent) + 35>

Of course, if the code you are trying to search on has quotes or 
pound signs in it, then I like to create a variable called 
searchstring using the ascii code for the special characters. 
Example, looking for <table width="95%" bgcolor="#ff0000">

<cfset searchstring = "<table width=" & chr(34) & "95% bgcolor=" & 
chr(34) & chr(35) & "ff0000" & chr(34) & ">">


<cfset begin = Find(searchstring, CFHTTP.FileContent)>

Simple, huh? LOL

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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