Hi Paul, 

Thanks for your input.

> As you've already stated, you can't use CFX_POP3 so unless you can find a
> Java based replacement for CFPOP you aren't going to be able to do much to
> improve the state of your issues.

Unfortunately, this is the case. Feel like writing a Java
implementation? :) I'm sure there are plenty of public-domain POP
classes out there already.
> Identifying the content-type of each attachment would mean extra
> functionality in CFPOP that just isn't there. It needs a column in its
> results that matches the attachmentfiles in approach and for every
> attachment, it should provide the content type.

Yes, and this of course would make sense.

> Moving onto your other questions....
> > 1. My POP account receives several emails. Fetching them with CF, the
> > DATE column of the returned CFPOP query are all the same, for example
> > 01/01/2000 10:10:10. The action is "getHeaderOnly".
> POP dates can't be trusted in the headers at all as they are set by the
> Client application at the point of send. I regularly see junk dates. If
> however there is a difference between CFPOP and other mail clients then that
> is a problem.

OK, just to be clear, there is the "Date" header which is set by the
sending client. Then there are the "Received" headers which there is
one of for each "hop" that the mail takes. For instance, your message
has 5:

Received: by with SMTP id 22cs4099wrc;
        Mon, 24 Jan 2005 00:44:16 -0800 (PST)
Received: by with SMTP id c4mr370458wrc;
        Mon, 24 Jan 2005 00:44:16 -0800 (PST)
Return-Path: <listmaster@houseoffusion.com>
Received: from houseoffusion.com (houseoffusion.com [])
        by mx.gmail.com with ESMTP id 43si210052wri.2005.;
        Mon, 24 Jan 2005 00:44:16 -0800 (PST)
Received-SPF: pass (gmail.com: domain of listmaster@houseoffusion.com
designates as permitted sender)
        with ESMTP id 299154C824E719429891DCDF31C95694
        Mon, 24 Jan 2005 03:38:57 -0500

> Sometimes, it depends on how robust the POP client is at handling
> incorrectly formatted Date fields as to how good the date looks when its
> returned...
> > 2. I fetch the emails using a regular POP3 client (Thunderbird 1.0 in
> > this case), they display the correct date. This client is set to
> > "delete" as they are downloaded.
> >
> > 3. I then send some more emails to my POP account and fetch them using
> > CF. The DATE column is essentially "refreshed" to the time that
> > Thunderbird fetched/deleted the emails.

> Hmmm... But you said the original mails were deleted. Have you tried looking
> at the headers using a telnet session to your server and deciphering the
> date field yourself as a double check.

Yes, the original emails are deleted. But I then send a few more test
ones, and they are all fetched with the "date" column being set to the
time I last fetched/deleted.
> > If I switch off the "delete after download" option in Thunderbird, the
> > date/time is not refreshed.
> >
> > This leads me to the conclusion that the DATE column in the query
> > returned by CFPOP IS NOT parsed from the date header of the email
> > message.
> >
> It is parsed, you just can't trust it. - see above.


> >
> > Is it just me, or is this behaviour incredibly stupid? Is my POP3
> > daemon (courier pop3d MySQL enabled) broken? Yes, my system time is
> > correct: synchronized with two stratum 1 NTP servers.
> The POP3 daemon will only be responsible for adding a date to the received
> header of your mail. If you check using a telnet session to your POP
> account, you will see that the first received header you see will be the one
> that was added to the mail by your SMTP service.

Is this the "date" header or the "received" header?

> > Is there a way to access the raw message source so I can at least
> > parse it out myself?
> Not with CFPOP. You could emulate a POP client using some sort of socket
> plugin for CF effectively emulating a telnet connection over port 110.

Not interested; CF is not exactly an ideal protocol handler.

> > Is this wrong, or am I just crazy. What the frig is the point of
> > having a half-assed poorly implemented POP3 client? God help me when I
> > need to start using CFFTP or CFHTTP.
> From my experience, CFFTP and CFHTTP although flaky in previous versions are
> pretty robust in CFMX 6.0 and above CFMX6.1 updater for us is rock solid.

Yeah, I'm just on a rant. :)

> > And no, don't tell me to use CFX_POP or something else, because a) the
> > Macromedia implementation should work and b) I'm hosted on a Unix
> > environment.
> Ok, I won't tell you to use my tags :). Unless you wan't to write something
> yourself. You are hosed on a Unix box :( Seriously though, if you need any
> help with doing something like that, I'll try to help where I can. I've at
> least got a heap load of experience with CF and POP3 that I can offer.

I understand; if they would compile and run on Linux, I would be using
them in a flash. These MM bugs are seriously holding up our

> > Don't even get me started on the broken inline image CID munging issue in
> I agree this is another issue with CFPOP, CID fields could also be passed
> back to the query in a similar fashion to attachmentfiles but they aren't
> which is a shame.

We have a bug open with MM on this, but I don't think we will even see
it fixed in Blackstone.

Thanks for your input.

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