DESCRIBE is an SQL Plus command, if i recall. You could easily enough
make a stored procedure to do it in MS SQL I suppose though...heck
someone may have already done it.  You could just use Neil's SQL
statement he posted and put it into a cursor and output it all nifty
dandy like SQL Plus does, but personally I rather just read it table
format like it is output in query analyzer ;) Oh I also like to use
DBDesigner 4 its nice to use to print off the table info.

Adam H

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 00:49:00 -0600, Nick Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MS SQL 2000
> I want to show a table structure, and tried the following
> <CFQUERY NAME="ShowTable" DATASOURCE="PartsList">
>        DESCRIBE  Pumpparts
> This only throws an error "Could not find stored procedure 'DESCRIBE'."
> What am I missing? Or, am I using the wrong thing here?
> DESCRIBE table_name
> This command provides information about the columns of the table. It shows
> the column names, the type / size and scale (if applicable) and other
> useful information.
> Thanks,
> Nick

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