Thanks Dave, that really helps.

As I understand it the j2ee edition is the enterprise edition

But I don't want to pay for and deploy the full J2ee enterprise 
edition... I don't have a production web server, or a real web site.

But I do want to develop and distro apps as you describe: trial 
acpability, decaying into developer capability.

The intent is that the customer will be able to try my app before he 
buys it (without all the hassle of installing the component parts),'

Then when he buys my app he:

1) deploys it on his existing CF Server
2) Has his host service install it on hei server instance of  their 
existing CF Server
3) Buys a new license key and activates the CF server in my package 
and/or installs his own server.

This is not the only variation on the theme, but it is a good place to 

I want to drive my own and MM's (in this case) business by letting the 
potential customer "try before you buy" with the most positive 
experience I can create (no installs, service packs, configs, 
deployments, etc).

If i do this properly the customer will buy my app and,
at the very least, he uses some of his existing CF capacity (makes him 
more likely to by add'l CF licenses, sooner);
or better; he buys a CF license so he can run my app;
or better, yet, hey buys the license and brags/tells all his peers 
about it (and my app)


"Everyone in every corner of the software business could learn a lot 
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On Feb 8, 2005, at 11:54 AM, Dave Carabetta wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 11:32:10 -0800, Dick Applebaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> As I understand, it you may *not* redistro he MM software in any form
>> under this agreement!
>> Given that I would pose the same questions again, in a slightly
>> different way:
>> 1)Does Macromedia have a licensing agreement that allows me to 
>> redistro
>> the CFMX 7 J2ee Developer Version ( the localhost plus 2 IPs version )
>> as part of a package?
>> 2) Does Macromedia have a licensing agreement that allows me to the
>> CFMX 7 J2ee Trial Version ( the 30-day version that reverts to 1 ) as
>> part of a package?
>> 3) can the redistee buy and enter a valid license into either 1 or 2
>> and have a full j2ee entrenprise version ?
>> 4) are there any licensing fees or redistro restrictions on 1 or 2.
>> 5) can/will Macromedia fix 1 & 2 so they do not do a disk write
>> ( at startup so that they can run from CD/DVD?
> I can't answer all these questions, but on 2 and 3, you have this in
> the Enterprise version in MX 7 already.
> Scenario:
> I'm PaperThin and have a client who does not own ColdFusion, but is
> interested in a trial of CommonSpot as their CMS solution. Instead of
> telling them "first download a trial of ColdFusion server and then you
> can install our trial," PaperThin can now use the EAR/WAR package
> manager in the MX Administrator (found in all MX7 versions, by the
> way) and create a EAR/WAR that has the CF runtime bundled with the
> CommonSpot application. By not entering a serial number at package
> creation time, you've just implicitly created a 30-day trial of the
> bundled CF/CommonSpot environment in one step, as that's the default
> way that the package manager works. After the 30-day trial, the
> combined setup reverts to the Developer edition of ColdFusion.
> Now let's say that the client has decided that CommonSpot is their
> choice. All they have to do is secure a Enterprise ColdFusion license
> for the appropriate number of servers/CPUs from a reseller or
> Macromedia sales person to convert the deployed application into a
> full Enterprise version. They would then either open up the MX
> Administrator (if PaperThin bundled it with the distro) or go to a
> page in the application that PaperThin has created that can
> programmatically set the serial number (via the new Admin API CFCs).
> Once that's done, they've got a full Enterprise version of ColdFusion
> with CommonSpot without having to re-install anything.
> Note that the above *deployment* scenario assumes the Enterpise
> version of ColdFusion only, as this is the only version of ColdFusion
> MX 7 that supports EAR/WAR deployment.
> Disclaimer: I don't work for PaperThin, nor have I used their product.
> I was simply using CommonSpot as it was the first commercial CF
> application that came to mind.
> As for the other questions, I can't answer them and will leave them to
> Macromedians.
> Regards,
> Dave.

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