I have to say, that's a pretty impressive feature list. 

While an odd question, I have to ask, what are the biggest challenges facing
someone adopting Plum?

- Calvin

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Plum vs Adalon?

> > From: Adam Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Plum has a much more comprehensive framework than Fusebox does.
> Maybe so but the following for Fusebox is increasing daily... what are the
> selling points for Plum that would pull someone like myself from Fusebox
> over to Plum or maybe not even over to but rather in addition to?

We're not trying to win over one single Fusebox developer.  We're not
interested in Fusebox's following, its size, or its direction, but we wish
them all the very best.

There is no valid comparison between Fusebox and Plum, as they are two
entirely different things altogether.  Fusebox is, at its most basic level,
a way to organize and call code; Plum is... well, this:


You can't use Plum in conjunction with Fusebox or any other framework, as
there would be no need.  There is nothing that another framework could add
to what Plum already has.


Adam Phillip Churvis
Member of Team Macromedia

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