Will Tomlinson wrote:

> What does everyone think about this? I used MySQL until I started using SP's. 
> Then I HAD to go with SQL Server for my needs. What will this mean for the db 
> market? 

In my department at Duke, we have databases in MySQL 4.1 and Oracle 9. 
I've found Oracle to be exceptionally difficult to maintain, since I'm 
not a DBA.  MySQL is much easier.

However, we've done some performance testing, pitting Oracle against 
MySQL and SQL Server... and we found that SQL Server - on a smaller 
machine - actually performed faster than both MySQL and Oracle.  MySQL 
was good when small amounts of data were returned versus Oracle, but SQL 
Server was faster pretty much across the board.

SQL Server is also easier to maintain.

I like MySQL, and I will continue to use it for pretty much all of my 
freelance web development, unless my clients desire otherwise.  But in 
our department at Duke, where we're dealing with very large datasets 
(millions of rows in several tables), we're going with SQL Server (ie, 
we're going to phase out Oracle *AND MySQL and switch to SQL Server, 
even though Oracle is free for us, and SQL Server is not.)

  - Rick

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