Michael T. Tangorre wrote:
> I used to be a die hard SQL Server fan forever and ever.... always avoiding
> MySQL and Oracle until I needed to buy hosting myself and was a little weary
> of paying for SQL  Server for a blog! So I took the plunge and went with
> MySQL. To be honest, I love it. I think as more features come out (hopefully
> at a quicker pace) the more MySQL will catch on. It already has a huge
> following, I was just so stuck on MS SQL Server that I didn't see it.
> Anyway, it will be interesting to see what format/syntax the stored
> procedures will take on as well as the triggers (Jochem, any insight??).

Their stored procedure language is basically the same as DB2 
(although of course advanced features such as recursive queries 
are not available). I have not seen working trigger support yet 
and not all datatypes will offer all features.


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