Will, you are standing at the starting line of an amazing, wonderful race
through the world of software development.  At two years into the race, you
will be exposed to something new almost on a weekly basis and it's a lot of
fun.  If you want to gain the experience of some of the guys on this list,
just keep focused and work hard.  Gather all the information you can about
ColdFusion and experiment with it.  Most of all, ask a lot of questions
because everyone learns that way.

I've been using ColdFusion since 1997 (maybe '96 I can't really remember)
when I first convinced the company I was working for that they needed a web
site.  As for total years in development... I'm not sure I want to share that
information, but I can say that I got my first computer at the age of 12,
learned Level 1 BASIC so I could write programs to do my homework for me, and
haven't quit since.

That said, it doesn't guarantee that I'm a good developer at all.  I've known
guys who developed software for several decades and still sucked at it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Will The Game [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 3:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF/programming experience from the list?

I just wanted to try and gauge where I'm at right now in terms of programming
prowess by having everyone offer their experience with programming in general
and CF. What most of you do is pretty amazing to me, so I'd like to know
where I stand and what I need to do to get more like you guys!

Me - 2 years programming - 2 years CF 


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