Well not nearly as experienced as others. However I can say that I'm a web
guy through and through. I started around 94 with HTML3 and a little later
Javascript and later CSS and XML. One of the sites I was designing had a
requirement to display their annual report. The report consisted of a lot of
tables. So I started looking for a way to create what I thought was a unique
idea of creating custom tags. So I plugged "custom tags" into yahoo and
found Cold Fusion 2 or 3 I don't remember correctly.

So around 1994 I started creating sites and around 96 I started with Cold
Fusion and got hooked. Eventually I went from designing to development. Over
the years with CF I have learned and started to learn a bunch of other
languages including ASP, PHP, CGI/Perl, Java and as of the last year or so
C# for traditional software development.

I think it took me about 3 years to really feel I could keep up with anyone
with CF and now sometimes I find it boring. But you can't beat it's RAD.
There is no other language that can keep a newbie and an experienced
developer happy like CF can.

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