For the time being, all ports on both boxes are open. If the port 
weren't open on the SQL server's network, then the local system DSN 
wouldn't be able to connect either, but it does!


Connie DeCinko wrote:

>Make sure you have the correct port open.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alex Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:30 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Help with NAT and DSN setups in CF Admin
>Our IIS 6/CF server is on a "10 dot" network, and mapped to an external 
>IP via our firewall appliance.
>When trying to set up a DSN to our MS SQL Server, I keep getting a 
>"connection refused" error message. I am using the server name (UNC 
>name) and the correct username/password. The SQL server is across the 
>'net on another network. The CF/Web server's public IP has open access 
>through the firewall into the network where the SQL server is kept.
>What's strange, is that I created a system datasource in the ODBC 
>control panel applet, and I connect to the SQL server just fine. I then 
>used the CF Admin to create an ODBC socket DSN to connect to the local 
>DSN on the web server.
>Any ideas on why I can connect to the remote SQL server via a Microsoft 
>local system DSN, but not directly to the SQL box from CF Admin using 
>the stock SQL server drivers?
>Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>Alex Sherwood

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