No, Mike...I really do have to agree with Tony...(maybe not
quite the way he phrased it ;o), but people who demand something
for nothing are nothing but cheap.

Now, I understand Jochem's concern about his text being linked...
I have some concerns about that, too.  But anybody who says
that they won't pay a penny for participating in something from
which they derive value are nothing but freeloaders.

I guess these same people insist that Ben Forta give them his
books for free rather than pay for his time in writing them like
you have to use your time to maintain this list *and* even add
the extras, such as archives, etc.  Time is valuable, no matter
whose time it is and you should be compensated through ads
or subscriptions...

It's really sad...


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Dinowitz)
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:08 PM
To: CF-Talk <>
Subject: Re: wtf are those advertizing links in the text? 

Not really. There are lots of alternate resource out there. None as large or 
active as HoF, but they could be. I'd rather grow HoF in features than force 
people away with charging or things (like the inline ads) that turn them 
Rather than charge people or offer an ad free version of the site I'm just 
going to focus more on new features (such as the verity search for ALL 
threads) and hope to find an advertising rep to help out in that regard.
That and find a second to bill the advertisers I currently have. :)

> cheap bastards!
>> We've looked into this - you can't assume a 1:1 ratio if you went paid.
>> Mike might easily lose 95% or more of his subscribers if he went 
>> pay-only.
>> It's just a sad fact of the world.

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