Get the shit out of your eyes, you simpleton.

I did not say that I thought CF would die. On the contrary, I stated 
that I believed the MM would still invest time and resources into CFMX.

After spending tons of $$$ on a "WORLD TOUR", why the hell would 
Macromedia NOT highlight the release on their website? Why spend the 
money on creating awareness and then not put it front and center on 
release day (and instead leave a WEEEEEEKS old banner for Flash video)?

The speedometer graphic was lame and insufficient, and is reflective of 
the internal view of CFMX. That's all.

Riddle me this: why would RedSky get decent attention when it was 
released? I remember a nice banner and decent info about that release. 
If I recall, the groundbreaking release of those awesome "FireFly" flash 
components got more attention at!.

Adrocknaphobia wrote:

>Well put. A rotating banner on MM's site is probably the least
>effective marketing they could have for CF. Does everyone already
>forget the grueling world tour they sent Ben on before the release of
>7. I don't think I've ever seen a tour like that for any other MM
>product before.
>The sky isn't falling. Your career does not rest on a rotating flash ad.

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