agADave Watts wrote:

>>Get the shit out of your eyes, you simpleton.
>While this wasn't directed at me, this kind of response really isn't called
>for. Personally, when I want to insult someone on a mailing list, I try to
>reach for the rapier rather than the cudgel, if you know what I mean.

Yes, Dave it was. It was in response to him oversimplifying and maiming 
the intent of my original post. The response was right on target: 
telling him to actually read the post (which I assumed he could not 
because of excrement blocking his vision), and a simpleton because the 
term is reflective of his actions of not being able to take my post for 
more than raw criticism.

Reaching for the rapier or a cudgel would not have been appropriate. My 
response was based on an earlier exchange of posts - it was not a 
baseless ad- hoymnum attack.

>>I did not say that I thought CF would die. On the contrary, I 
>>stated that I believed the MM would still invest time and 
>>resources into CFMX.
>Well, we can all speculate on this until the cows come home, but why bother?
>If you believe that MM will still invest time and resources into CFMX, why
>not just let them choose how they want to handle advertising? What does
>their "internal view of CFMX" matter, as long as they still invest the
>appropriate time and resources into the product? Why do you think you're
>more qualified to run their marketing than they are? They have a lot of
>diverse products, and a similarly diverse audience of potential and actual
>customers. Don't you think that they would spend more time pushing CF if
>they thought that this would be more profitable than pushing something else?

I'm sorry...can you point me to the place in my original post in which I 
professed to know more about marketing MM's products then they do? 
Dave,  here is what I said:


Why am I mentioning this? Well, IMHO, it's a subtle but important 
indicator about MM's view of CFMX. It's not that they won't devote $$ 
and resources to its continued development, but it's clear that the 
"broader reach" products like Breeze and some of the Flash authoring 
tools will continue to force CFMX to  "backstage".... 


My post was not only factual, but not a directive. I never directly or 
indirectly insinuated that MM should change their  marketing strategy. I only 
commented on what it actual was, and offered my opion on what the lack of 
exposure on MM's site on launch could mean.

As for the "why bother", you're kidding right? Do you mean to tell me that 
Chris Berman the ESPN acnchor should sit still and just read the ball scores, 
without any commentary and anaylsis. Shoot, he can change the was Donovan 
McNabb plays, so why even bother talking about it, right? Just let McNabb throw 
the ball and report who scored more points on Sunday night?

I find it amazing that people will read one post which raises a minor issue and 
asks an open ended question about CF, and respond as if I'm advocating bringing 
Ted Bundy back from the dead to speak at DevCon in Anaheim!

>People seem to be in the habit of comparing Macromedia's stewardship of CF
>to the "good ol' days" of Allaire. Well, Allaire had how many products? One,
>really, unless you count Allaire Forums and Spectra - both of which were
>handled poorly, in my opinion. Oh, I forgot JRun - but neither Allaire nor
>Macromedia really push that at all, they just used it to build a bunch of
>other products.
Again, Dave, this is hyperbole. I only commented on CFMX7's exposure 
compared to other products on launch day (including the prior version of 
CFMX!) - not MM's stewardship compared to Allaire.

Alex Sherwood

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