I have a character string, which is basically a tab delimited list.  I need
a regular expression that will count the tabs in the string and verify they
are all there.

Essentially, I would like a regular expression that does this:

<cfset sOrderFile = "123 75 w1234567890 GRD 8/17/00 Sean Renet Broadcast
Dynamics 1230 MyStreet St.  Los Angeles CA 90026 323-555-1212
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Amy Jones  1630 Your St. Apt.  2 Silverlake CA
90026 323-666-2137 323-555-4567 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Driver's liscence
C13546545 1234 I387409-0983  2 A Bit of the Bubbly           Hi Sean, Here
is your champagne Hope you enjoy it! Amy Dane    ">

<cfset nLength = #Len(sOrderFile)#>

<cfset nPosition = 0>  <!--- Position of tab in string --->

<cfset nNewPosition = 0>  <!--- Next position to start with after finding a
tab --->

<cfset nNumTabs = 0>  <!--- Number of tabs.  Return this variable --->

<cfset sTab = #Chr(9)#>  <!--- Tab character --->

<!--- Go through the string --->
<cfloop condition="(#nNewPosition# LT #nLength#)">

        <cfset nNewPosition = nPosition + 1>
        <cfset nPosition = #Find(sTab,sOrderFile,nNewPosition)#>

        <cfif nPosition EQ 0>  <!--- No more tabs, done --->

         <cfset nNumTabs = nNumTabs + 1>  <!--- Start looking for new tab 1
position after last one --->

<!--- Return nNumTabs here --->

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