IMHO, he was indeed saying that LAMP was a lesser solution (that's my 
impression).  That's fine with me if that's what he thinks.  Our thoughts are 
beyond the influence of anyone.  But when you translate those thoughts into 
actions and words, that is a very different story.  I wish he hadn't used an ad 
hominem argument to bring home his point.

I understand why some ColdFusion programmers feel strongly against PHP.  When I 
started learning ColdFusion on May 2, 2005, that was also what I felt.  You 
see, in university, we were made to study the C language.  I remember, as a 
16-year old kid, learning that language was a bit daunting.  I was perplexed 
with concepts such as pointers, references, addresses, pointers of pointers, 
references of pointers, and a lot more.  I remember saying to my teacher, "why 
the hell do we need those pointers for?  Can't we just avoid them altogether?  
Why use pointers and references to return values from functions?  Can't we not 
just use global variables and avoid functions altogether?"

As I progressed with this skill, my loathing for the C/C++ language was quickly 
replaced with deep respect and awe.  As I progressed learning it, there came a 
point where knowledge of that subject gave me a profound realization that I 
knew next to nothing in Computer Science.  "Is this all I know?", I said to 
myself.  Mind you, after having the satisfaction of being able to suddenly "get 
it", it was really a very humbling experience.

As I did my research on data structures-from simple linked lists to binary and 
n-trees-I was even humbled as I stumbled upon the great works of computer 
scientists having a string of letters appended before and after their names.  I 
said to myself, "someday... I will be like them.  I may not be able to study in 
that legendary MIT, but I will someday become a computer scientist myself.  I 
will develop useful and highly efficient algorithms which I will share to the 
whole world. "

Three years later, I have now dropped out of university (I don't have plans in 
enrolling this sem) because my learning style doesn't suit the teaching style 
of our conservative school (I prefer hands on experience, rather than listening 
to theory).  I'm now here in my office participating in this discussion in 
order to learn more about ColdFusion by hands on experience and interaction 
with gurus of this language.  I have to admit that I'm really forcing myself 
not to loathe this language.  I loathed C/C++, Java, Assembly, and other 
languages that I've studied; yet, as I used them more often, loathe was quickly 
replaced with love, awe, and respect.

I have learned my lesson already.  I will force myself not to loathe ColdFusion 
even though I did not get the satisfaction of finally "getting it."

[ simon.cpu ]

>I would say that these comments were more saying that LAMP was a lesser
>solution, than CF being the only solution, but that would really be
>something the OP would have to clarify.
>- Calvin

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