Windows hosts files? Potential external/unknown variables? Hmmm... What you are talking about? Give me a "potential point of break".
Multithreading assumes cooperation between different parts of a task. So-called "async gateways" are just parallel and NOT cooperating DIFFERENT tasks. If this is what you want, try CFEXECUTE first. >Looks nice, although I wouldn't use it for asynch processing... Reason >I want to use the asynch cfml gateway is to eliminate an http request >as a potential point at which the process could break -- I realize I'm >trading out cfhttp for the gateway, but it seems like the gateway >would be more "contained" / involve fewer potential external/unknown >variables like for instance, windows hosts files. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100% Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: