John, are you aware of a way to "label" a tree in Subversion? In VSS you can 
apply a label to a whole project, and then if you need to you can deploy a 
specific label, or roll back to a specific label. I can't find a similar 
function in Subversion...I can see the history of individual files but don't 
see a way to label, get or rollback a whole tree to a previous state.

On 6/12/05, John Paul Ashenfelter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm jumping into this SCC/deployment discussion pretty late, but
> wanted to echo the votes for Subversion for source control. On the
> client side, TortoiseSVN on the Windows client side is excellent and
> Subclipse is there for Eclipse users.
> (I haven't seen any Mac users chime in about how it works for them on
> Dreamweaver, but my Mac friends tell me Subversion repositories can be
> mounted pretty easily on OS X since it's all Web_DAV under the hood --
> that's probably even easier than dealing with Tortoise for simple
> tasks)
> And the latest Subversion (1.2) added reserved checkout functionality,
> which is the model Visual SourceSafe (among others) uses -- files are
> locked until the user checks them back in. This is in addition to the
> base functionality of Subversion, which follows the model used by CVS
> and other SCC that allows anyone to check out any files and focuses on
> merging to resolve changes.
> > Scripting it all
> > You could setup all of this to run as batch files in windows or linux. 
> The staging process could be scheduled. You could trigger the running of the 
> staging deployment by calling a CF page with a CFExecute that runs the batch 
> file. If you are extra crafty you might use a nifty new CF Gateway to watch 
> for some file system chage or listen for a ping from somewhere to tell it to 
> run and get the latest release....
> I'm pretty suprised no one's mentioned Ant and the many, many tools
> around it for the deployment side of things. Regardless of the SCC
> system, Ant is a nobrainer for automating deployment, especially if
> you need to do things like reset databases, run test or acceptance
> suites, or any other of the additional quality control steps as part
> of an automated deployment process. Plug in CruiseControl and you've
> got a pretty robust system for deploying for test, stage, and
> production/delivery.
> As an aside, I'll be talking about these tools at CF-United in the
> Open Source Java Tools session and they are certainly topics that can
> come up at the BOF.
> --
> John Paul Ashenfelter
> CTO/Transitionpoint
> (blog)

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