The hourly nature of the high CPU sounds like client variable purging.  

You could try turning off client variable purge for a few hours to see
if that changes the behavior.  If it does, then that means that your
client variable entries in the datebase (or registry, ugh) might be
extremely high, so might want to write a custom script to purge a
bunch of the older ones instead of letting CF skim the top off them.

See also:

CFMX 6.1

CFMX 6.1 Updater 1

-Steven Erat

On 6/22/05, Jean-Michel DE FILIPPI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello every body,
> I need help, I've a big problem under my configuration about jrunsvc
> (jrun service). Every 1 hour since 15 minutes the jrunsvc takes 100% cpu
> time.
> I've try lot of things to fix like update (updater 5 from macromedia,
> j2se 1.4.2, etc .) but the problem persiste.
> An other thing, I've try to put the mysql version 4.1.12 (I think the
> last release) I have import all my databases in the new version of mysql
> .. All was okay, but When I've restarted coldfusion 6.1 MX msql-nt
> service takes 100% CPU Time...
> I've a big problem and no solution .

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