> Any idea why I'm getting an "Error Executing Database Query." 
> With this?
> I can take out the query and return "lesson" and "row" just fine.
> Lesson and ID in the table are varchar and integer type fields
> respectively.  
> <cfcomponent>
>    <cffunction name="recieveData" access="remote">
>       <cfargument name="lesson" type="string" required="yes">
>       <cfargument name="row" type="string" required="yes">  
>       <cfquery name="updateDB" datasource="coursesDB">
>          UPDATE Lessons
>          SET Lesson = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"
> value="#Arguments.lesson#"> 
>          WHERE ID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER"
> value="#Arguments.row#"> 
>       </cfquery>
>       <cfreturn #Arguments.lesson#> <!---Test. works fine when cfquery
> removed--->
>    </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>

My guess is that one of the following is true:

1. You don't have a datasource called "coursesDB".
2. The user account used by CF doesn't have rights to update the Lessons
3. The Lessons table belongs to another user account, so your user account
can't see it without specifying the username explicitly ("UPDATE
otherusername.Lessons ...").
4. The table is not in fact named "Lessons".
5. The table doesn't have a field called "Lesson".
6. The "Lesson" field doesn't contain a VARCHAR.
7. The table doesn't have a field called "ID".
8. The "ID" field doesn't contain an INTEGER.
9. You're passing the wrong datatype to one of the fields - my guess would
be that Arguments.row should be a number instead of a string.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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