
My name is Ryan Guill and I am developing an open-source framework for
ColdFusion called COAL, which stands for the ColdFusion Open
Application Library.  It is intended to be similar to PHP's PEAR or
PERL's CPAN libraries, although there are several differences.

The basic idea is to create a free repository of reusable and flexible
components for use as services and objects.  Its purpose is to allow
ColdFusion developers to develop their applications quicker and
easier, reducing the time to market.  It's a way to standardize the
components as well and provide documentation for them, so that if
anyone is having trouble with a COAL component, any other developer
using COAL will instantly be on the same page.

This project is just getting started, although a lot of work and
effort has been invested already.  But the project cannot continue
without some help and support from the community.

So here is my plea for help.  What COAL currently needs is three
things.  We need ColdFusion developers coming up with ideas for
components to include in COAL.  The opportunities are endless really.
Anything that you do often in your applications and can be
encapsulated into components and objects would be a perfect fit for
COAL.  COAL is also flexible enough to have multiple components
(called services) in its library that do the same thing only in
different ways, allowing the end developers to choose the service that
best fits their needs.

The second thing is that we need developers creating these components
for COAL, as well as testing and using them, making sure that they are
stable and bug-free.  We have the ability to add components of an
alpha, beta or stable stage so that the end developers will know what
is fine to use in production without question and what they may need
to take a look at to make sure.  Also, components submitted to the
COAL library are encouraged to be open source, although they are not
required to be. You can encrypt the source if you like.

And then finally, we just need ColdFusion developers using COAL and
talking about COAL and just spreading the word!

Here are some links to some COAL resources.  Feel free to reply to
this message with any questions or comments.  Thank you for your time,
and hopefully, we will have a great platform, making ColdFusion
development even easier and enjoyable than it already is!

COAL website: http://coal.ryanguill.com
COAL Google Group Email List: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/CF_COAL
Getting Started with COAL:
COAL Tutorials including How does COAL work:

There is also a PowerPoint presentation I used to present COAL to the
ColdFusion Online Meetup Group a few months back.

Thanks again!
Ryan Guill
(270) 217.2399

The Coldfusion Open Application Library - COAL - http://coal.ryanguill.com

The Roman Empire: www.ryanguill.com/blog/

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