Jim Davis wrote:
> retrieve userlevel
> if userlevel=admin
>    Entitlements = delete, edit, post, read

> It's still the template that's protecting itself, not the security system
> enforcing rules over the template.

Ok, your version is a much cleaner example of the standard security 
system that most people employ.  We're still on the same page here...

> if URL.action=delete & isEntitled(UserID, "delete")
>    delete message
> end if
> This is saying "I've got a user here that wants to delete - can he?"
> The complexity of the system is abstracted - the page needs to know nothing
> about possible entitlements, just the one specific it needs.

That's assuming that you have a defined set of entitlements.  So, let's 
say the user logs in and the system loads up that user's entitlements. 
That list could be edit, delete, post, read (because they're a message 

Here's the problem - what if there is a template called users.cfm for 
modifying user accounts.  Now that user will also have edit, delete, 
post, and read access unless you differentiate the entitlement sets 
like: messageedit, message_delete, message_post, message_read, 
user_delete, user_edit.  What I'm saying is that not every template on 
the site uses the same set of entitlements.  While one template can 
perform one set of actions, another template might be doing something 
completely unrelated.

> You can then use the same system for group-level checks.  For example:
> if URL.action=delete & isEntitled(UserID, "admin,member")
>    delete message
> end if 
> This is saying that "if the person is a member of the admin or moderator
> groups, let'em delete".

Again, I am trying to pull any group reference out of the templates.  I 
want the security system to do all the group lookups and cross-reference 
it to the entitlements that were registered in the DB for that given 
template and then let the template know whether or not it can go ahead 
and perform the requested entitlement.

> The concept is exactly the same: a task-based entitlement like the first
> just tends to result in more entitlements overall.  Just like there's an
> "admin" group with some members there's a "delete" group with some members.

In my setup, I am not creating groups that mimic the entitlements.  I am 
creating groups and then assigning those groups to different 
entitlements that the different templates require.

> You can combine the two into groups and subgroups - this is closest to what
> you have presented.  So, the admin group has a sub group of "delete, edit,
> post, read" and some of those items are also assigned to other groups (it's
> a many-to-many relationship).

Like above, you would have to create a subgroup for every possible 
different entitlement that all the various templates would require. 
Edit in the message.cfm template is definately not the same as edit in 
the user manager.

 > With this you gain the concept of inheritance.  In your example, for
 > example, there's really no need to have the same permissions defined
 > multiple times.  Instead have permissions inherited:

Inheritance is definately something that I'd like to investigate 
further.  I know that my example was very poorly written, but I'd 
definately like to optimize the code so it's using inheritance instead 
of brute force to figure out who's got access to what.  After we get 
through this initial conversation, I'd like to further investigate your 
logic for how groups are inherited (the nitty gritty).  But let's leave 
that for another thread ;)

> The key is that all of that complexity (groups of groups, etc) is abstracted
> away in a service-level component.  You need to know the group or task you
> want to perform ("delete" or "member") but that's it - you ask the system
> "can he?" and it says "yes" or "no".

the requirement of knowing group or task is specifically what I was 
trying to pull out of the template-level code.

> But your template still needs to "know" about groups here.  How is that
> different than, say (let's say, to stick with your checking model, that
> "entitlements returns a struct of Boolean keys):

the template doesn't need to know about groups.  That's handled by the 
security system which then tells the template if it's allowed to perform 
the requested entitlement.

In other words, the message template asks the security system "I have a 
user logged in and they requested the delete entitlement, should I allow 
this?" and the security system checks to see if that user has permission 
to use that entitlement for the message template (this information would 
be stored in the DB), and then the security system returns a true or 
false back to calling template based on the permission settings.

Let's say the user also hits the user management template, that template 
asks the system "I've got a user that wants to edit a user, should I let 
them?" and the security system will go and check to see if that user has 
permission to use that entitlement for the *user management template* 
because the user management template may have a different set of 
entitlements than the message editing template i.e.:

message entitlements: edit, post, read, delete
user mgr entitlements: edit, delete, copy, move

> I still really don't see how that's any less complex that what I've
> presented as the "standard model".  You're adding a lot of complexity under
> the covers to track file names when you really don't need to in my opinion:
> the templates still need to know which entitlements they need (since they
> have to check for them) and since they need to know there's no reason to
> store them in the database (as least that I can see).

Hehehe, that's the rub, it isn't any less complex, it's just more 
flexible by not having to edit the template-level code to tell it what 
it's allowed to do.  It's all controlled centrally.  My goal is to allow 
all entitlement/group association to happen in a GUI instead of having 
to edit the templates to say what a template is allowed to do.

The only requirement for a template is to tell the system what 
entitlements are available for that given template so they can be 
registered in the DB and the security system will then allow you to 
assign permissions to each of those entitlements through a GUI.

> The system as described is only database intensive if you let it be.
> There's no reason that every call has to hit the database.

Yes, obviuosly I could create a much simpler system that doesn't hit the 
database at all.  But that would also require me to do more template 
editing when managing entitlements.  Obviously there's going to be a big 
trade-off here, and I will definately have to see how big it is.  If it 
completely stalls the entire application because it's too DB intensive, 
then I'll have to drop back to the standard system that most everyone 
else employs.  I'm just trying to take the standard security model to 
the next level of flexibility.

> In my system (and most others that I've seen) the standard practice is to
> cache the user entitlements into a memory scope (either application or
> session).  That way the checks, even complex ones, can be made very quickly.
> Even if you don't drop the "page-level" permissions (which you really,
> really don't need) you could still cache them as well - even for a largish
> site the memory usage for this would be pretty small (say a meg or two) and
> that resource usage would be nothing compared to constant database calls.

That's a really interesting alternative.  I create template-specific 
entitlements and then load all of those up into a session variable when 
the user logs in.  And yeah, like you said, it's a quick check of that 
list to see if that user has the right to that entitlement.  I will keep 
this idea in mind.

You know, thought of an idea.  I could still use the system that I 
described above.  It would still register every template with the 
security system and that template's specific entitlements.  Then, when a 
user first logs in, it will load up all the entitlements that the 
specific user has into a session list like you mentioned.  So now, 
instead of it hitting the DB, it will just hit the memory.  Not quite as 
dynamic, but it would definately be faster and memory's cheaper than a 
faster DB.  I could probably make a flag for the security system to 
reload a logged-in user's entitlement list if the permissions were changed.

I just wonder how big of a memory hit that would be if I have 7000 users 
with a pretty long entitlement list loaded for every user.  It'd 
probably be smart to use some kind of abbreviation notation.

Your definately giving me some great ideas here!


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