You'd better watch that signature of yours... looks like you're discussing rates.

At 08:13 PM 9/24/00 -0400, Steve Pierce wrote:
>Uhhh, you can post your rates, that isn't illegal. Talking about your rates
>in a discussion forums is subject of some laws and has lots of room to get
>yourself in trouble. Be careful.
>HWG Pricing FAQ
>Is it illegal to discuss pricing?
>The short answer: YES (at least in the U.S. where many of our members are).
>The U.S. law specifically makes discussion of pricing between competitors
>(all or some) a federal offense. According to either Marshall Kragen or
>Lewis Rose (both practicing lawyers), several brokers in DC were
>successfully prosecuted for simply discussing an increase of fees at a
>dinner meeting.
>When, where, or how doesn't matter. Any discussion of pricing by a group of
>people within the same industry is illegal in the U.S. The feds call it
>price fixing.
>For additional information on the legal aspects of price fixing, please
>visit the following locations:
>Another good FAQ
>How to Set Rates FAQ
>The question of how much to charge is a popular one in the minds of web
>developers and it's a topic which crops up often on Guild discussion lists.
>However, it's a subject which is not permitted according to Guild policies.
>(See HTML Writers Guild Pricing FAQ.) Nevertheless, the purpose of this FAQ
>is to provide you with a number of ways to arrive at your rates, and to do
>so without once running afoul of Guild policies or discussing the actual
>rates of any particular web developer.
> - Steve
>Steve Pierce, HDL
>"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
>(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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