To me the best parts of dw are css parts. Split view is indespensible for doing 
css layouts the validation is great especially with dw8.
 But cfeclipse has kick ass cfc support but until it has a split view it's not 
the main ide for someone like me who does the whole shabang and just the cfm 
coding or for someone who is trying to use a stardards based approach.

 My dw doesnt code rewrite, like others have said, you can control that or turn 
it off. And homesite is older than your grandpa's fav pair of undies and to me 
is fairly useless except for cfm only coding and im now on a mac so its 
completely useless.

 My cfeclipse doesnt start up or isnt any faster than dw8 and I dont gotta deal 
with all the plugins and updating them and all that crap all the time. That 
being said I would concider it if it had split view so i could see my css 
without previewing.

 css is fairly big deal to me and dw8 has made huge strides in adding good css 
tools in. 

~Dave the disruptor~
"Some people just don't appreciate how difficult it is to dispense wisdom and 
abuse at the same time." 

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