> And what about the security factor? I've always been under 
> the assumption that if your CF only had access to run SPs 
> you were safer from SQL injection.

Well, technically, if you are consistent in your use of CFQUERYPARAM, it
will have the same effect. However, one common approach in security is to
limit what is possible. With regard to database access, stored procedures
allow you to do a better job of this, by limiting what can go wrong in your
application code. Of course, if both the application code and the stored
procedures are written by the same (diligent) programmer, that might not
have any net effect, but in many cases that might not be true. That's one
reason why I favor stored procedures.

> I didn't know there were so many proponents for inline SQL. 
> I've just always figured MSSQL was better able to run some 
> pre-compiled execution plan in the case of an SP, over ad-hoc 
> SQL queries.

Actually, most databases can perform just as well using a prepared statement
created using CFQUERYPARAM as with a stored procedure. The execution plans
in either case can be stored and reused.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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