Just tried your approach (sessionmanagement=no for bots) but every bot that 
hits a page that references a session variable (even in a check) then throws an 

"Before session variables can be used, the session state management system must 
be enabled using the CFAPPLICATION tag."  
Any idea on how to get around this error so that the bots can see content?  It 
would be nice to at least allow the bots to index something other than an error 
message :)


> Interesting topic.
> We gave up using client variables a while back when they started 
> severely impacting performance under load.   It's incredibly important 
> to avoid client variables on systems under load.  When we switched 
> from client vars to a cookie (hashed user ID & password combo) and 
> used sessions exclusively, the site performance improved significantly.
> The problem you outline seems to be a problem for session variables 
> too. Using the runtime.SessionTracker, CFMX reports that there are 
> currently 3900 open sessions (20 min timeout) on our server.  Probably 
> about 1/3 to 1/2 of them are either users who dont have cookies turned 
> on (and therefore create a new session each page), or are bots.  It's 
> unclear how much of a performance hit this needless creation and 
> destruction of sessions causes, but it certainly isn't optimal. 
> Thanks for the cfapplication switching idea.  I'll give it a shot and 
> see if the number of active sessions drops.
> I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has any ideas about stopping 
> sessions from cookieless people from being created (that cant be 
> identified as being bots) in the first place.  I've got a feeling 
> there is no solution for this one though.
> Regards,
> Terry
> > Sorry, meant to post the whole thing. :)
> > 
> > For the last few weeks I've been having some problems with House of 
> > Fusion. The memory for the JRun.exe has been going through the roof 
> > and I didn't know why. The code was tight, nothing had really 
> changed 
> > on the site, so what was up? The answer was Yahoo. 
> > In the last 3 weeks Yahoo has ramped up their indexing of sites. For 
> a 
> > site as large as House of Fusion, this can take quite a bit of time. 
> > I've logged 2-4 yahoo bot hits per second at some times. 
> > So how was yahoo the problem? Because of client variables. Not DB 
> > client variables and not even the dreaded registry client variables. 
> > Just simple cookie based client variables. It seems that when a 
> client 
> > variable is set, a memory structure is also set for CF. Now each bot 
> > hit is assumed to be it's own session as it does not accept cookies. 
> > This mean each bot hit generates a memory structure of about 1k. Now 
> > this is not really a lot, but when you have a few 10's of thousands 
> of 
> > hits from bots a day, it adds up. 
> > I'm still waiting on word from Macromedia as to when a client memory 
> > structure times out, but this seems to be the issue. 
> > So what's the solution? There are 4.
> > 1. Increase your ram. If you can do this, then ramp up your memory 
> as 
> > high as you can. This is not a perfect solution but it saves 
> throwing 
> > time at the problem and gives you a 'buffer' against problems of 
> this 
> > sort.
> > 2. Set a robots.txt with a Crawl-delay setting. Mine is set to 1 
> > second but you can set yours to something higher
> > 3. set a different cfapplication for the most common bots. I use a 
> > simple regular expression to find key words that only exist in 
> bots:
> > <CFIF 
> REFindNoCase('Slurp|Goo> 
> glebot|BecomeBot|msnbot|Mediapartners-Google|ZyBorg|RufusBot|EMonitor', 
> > cgi.http_user_agent)>
> > <CFAPPLICATION name="FusionA" clientmanagement="no" 
> > sessionmanagement="no" setclientcookies="no" setdomaincookies="no" 
> > clientstorage="Cookie">
> > <CFELSE>
> > <CFAPPLICATION name="FusionA" clientmanagement="yes" 
> > sessionmanagement="no" setclientcookies="yes" setdomaincookies="no" 
> > clientstorage="Cookie">
> > </CFIF>
> > This will make sure that a client structure is NOT created for one 
> of 
> > these bots.
> > 4. Use the same regex to clean out the client structure after the 
> bot 
> > finishes the page. Use structclear(client) to remove the data in the 
> > onRequestEnd.cfm, the onRequestEnd method of the application.cfc or 
> in 
> > the template itself.
> > Bottom line is that while bots are great for indexing your content, 
> > they can cause havoc on your system when a lot of memory is assigned 
> > to what is essentially a 'dead session'. 
> > 
> > http://www.blogoffusion.com/index.

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