I've been looking at wiki for edu/gov sites here too. Wikis have been around
for a long time, and the Wikipedia with the open editing is just one
implementation. They don't have to be completely open editable, most do come
with access control features.

Your question though about "building them in CF?" is a bit vague.

Are you thinking of developing a wiki app in CF or are you wanting to build
a wiki site and you are wondering if there's already a wiki app built for

If you're asking as an app developer about building a wiki app using the CF
language, I'd say go for it! Brian Shearer has a cfwiki project that he
started a few years ago and Reinout Korbee did a variant on it, but there's
certainly room for more choices.

If you're a site developer looking for a Wiki solution, there's
unfortunately a dearth of robust CF options. I'd say look at all the options
regardless of language and pick the one that works best for your end product
needs. Here's one comparison chart:

Kevin Graeme
Cooperative Extension Technology Services
University of Wisconsin-Extension

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:05 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: eGovernment and Wiki's --- anyone making Wiki's with CF?
> Hi, all...
> I just read an article which states the
> following:
> "E-government researchers have suggested that collaborative 
> Wiki software may be the best avenue for getting public 
> information to the citizenry."
> I've been considering ways to develop CF apps which might be 
> used to help our local government get info out to the 
> community.  Is the Wiki approach a good idea, and if so, can 
> these apps be developed easily with CF?
> I have little experience with
> wiki's...I've did have a look
> at wikopedia, or whatever it's called.
> I'm not too impressed
> with the idea of just any person being
> able to edit
> content.  Who's would oversee such
> entries?
> Anyway...what is everyone's thoughts on
> wiki's and
> building them in CF?
> Thanks for the input...
> Rick

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