I called New Atlanta and asked about this.  I was told that this current 
license change was just a 'clarification' of what was always their intent.  

New Atlanta is certainly free to change the license for BD as they wish, I 
would just prefer they said that was what they were doing.  Something like "Hey 
guys, we are changing the license, but you can still use the previous version 
according to its license if you wish."  

When we first downloaded BD I filled out a questionaire and discussed with one 
of their sales people the uses we anticipated for the free version and that was 
fine (basically internal reporting).  Now those same purposes (using them in a 
corporate environment) is not OK given the new license changes.  I am slightly 
miffed as I feel like we were encouraged to use BD, but now New Atlanta's 
intent has changed (bait and switch).  If they were up front about it, I would 
just compare BD and CF and decide which to buy, but I have a funny feeling 
about how this has played out and will probably just switch to CF or PHP.  

In addition to the wording of the license in previous versions, here are some 
other citations that I think indicate that this is a change and not a 

This article mentions that you are free to deploy it for production purposes 
(although it mentions you should read the license when downloading):


Here is a mention of BD being free for production use in Charlie Arendt's blog:


And here is another of Charlie's blog entries where he says it is free for your 
own organization's applications:


Another blog entry where it is mentioned as free for development and deployment:


Too bad.  I think the CFML world lost something here.  



> David McCan wrote:
> >Someone I work with noticed a change in the wording of the BlueDragon 
> free edition license.  The license for 6.2 says "...license to 
> download, install and use BlueDragon Server on a single Server machine 
> for development, testing and deployment purposes."   The 6.2.1 license 
> says "...license to download, install and use BlueDragon Server for 
> development, testing and non-commercial deployment purposes."  Note 
> the addition of the words "non-commercial".
> >
> >Has anyone else noticed this?  I recall reading how we were able to 
> deploy BlueDragon free edition for any purpose (except for 
> redistributing it).
> >  
> >
> My understanding of the license was that "If you make money using our
> product, then we need to make money off our product also." I believe
> this has always been the intention of their License. It's just hard 
> to
> word something like that in "leagal speak". This seems fair to me
> personally.
> NA has an awesome VAR program - if you intend to make money using BD. 
> It
> might be worth a look if you're deploying it for commercial purposes 
> and
> should be able to make everyone involved happy.
> HTH,
> -JM
> -- 
> Warm regards,
> Jordan Michaels
> Vivio Technologies
> http://www.viviotech.net/

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