The OP said that *HE KNEW* CF wasn't going anywhere, but is looking for 
actual evidence to present to others in his organization to assuage 
their fears. If you're gonna whine about message bloat, then you can 
either shut up or offer some helpful link containing information backing 
up his position. The OP is in a situation where he's trying to keep 
things oriented to CF in his company. He simply needs ammunition with 
which to load the weapon. That certainly seems like a topic of value for 
this list to me.

Why is it that some of you people seem to think only the specific 
messages that interest you are on topic or are worthy of the list?


Tony wrote:
> and jesus freakin christ, this thread happens too much, its pointless
> and will do nothing, but cause over bloat of messages on this list.
> its not going away, its not going away... please stop this thread.
> tony
> On 1/26/06, Snake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Even if Adobe did kill off Coldfusion server, it wouldn't really matter cozz
>> we still have BlueDragon.
>> Russ
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Andy Jarrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 26 January 2006 10:54
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: Coldfuion Life Spam
>> I was talking to someone today who has said that now adobe has taken over
>> macromedia that they will consentrate on flash and the life of coldfusion
>> will becoming to an end. I am about to build a major system using coldfusion
>> but the company now has doubts over the future of coldfusion.
>> I know its not going anywhere but is there anything I can provide to this
>> company to stop there fears.

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