> Patric Stumpe wrote:

>> Surely that can't be correct. It's a Win2k Pro SP4. And yes, it it
>> localizied to (de_DE). And surprisingly a GetLocale outputs the
>> correct "German (Standard)" without me setting this value.

> that would be sort of expected behavior for a "localized OS". but the 
> depth of localization can be pretty thin for some locales. i wouldn't 
> count on it in general.

But where should be the difference if I set the locale explicitly or
it's set by the OS (or Java default?)? Shouldn't they be the same?

>> Btw. this just happens with this new project after transferring the db
>> from Access to MySQL. The original project (same dev-server, same
>> encoding) still works correct.

> are the dates coming out of the mysql DB? you're using the JDBC driver?
> and the "special" mysql url?

The dates do not come from the DB. It's just a simple script to
prefill some form fields for date selection (but it also happens with
records from the DB, so to say any time the function is used):

  dDate1 = CreateDate(now());
  sDate1Day = DateFormat(dDate1, 'dd');
  sDate1Month = DateFormat(dDate1, 'mm');
  sDate1Year = DateFormat(dDate1, 'yy');

  dDate2 = CreateDate(DateAdd('yyyy', 1, now()));
  sDate2Day = DateFormat(dDate2, 'dd');
  sDate2Month = DateFormat(dDate2, 'mm');
  sDate2Year = DateFormat(dDate2, 'yy');

Even without using those vars as formfield-values the umlauts are
screwed up...

> this all sounds vaguely familiar.


Patric Stumpe

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