If you just want to argue for the sake of arguing, than I'll just gracefully
bow out, but if you think that "novices" have the first clue when it comes
to ECMA... you should try teaching them.

Their implementation was flawed for the first 7 releases and though I
commend them on their achievement, I can't believe that the functionality
they're providing is even comparable to CF, which is what I consider "easy".

I'm done and out.


-----Original Message-----
From: John C. Bland II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 4:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Getting data into Flash 8

You don't have to use nested associate arrays. You can use numerical or
associate. CF Stucts are nothing but associate arrays anyway. If you know
how to use PHP classes then you know at least what an array is. You can
return virtually any type in php to Flash. In the latest version you have
more types you can return (including xml).


So you know, when I first used AMFPHP I didn't know PHP that well. I was the
definition of novice, in terms of PHP. But PHP classes are similar to ECMA
classes so it wasn't hard to catch on. If you aren't a PHP developer then
PHP itself is the problem...not AMFPHP. If you don't know CF then CF is the
problem...not Remoting w/ CF. PHP's learning curve is somewhat steep.

The issue with AMFPHP was the documentation was horrible at that point in
the game (early versions) so the installation portion was a pain. Everything
dealt with server-wide installation on Apache so it was terribly confusing.
Once I figured out it was just a folder everything else was a piece of cake.

On 2/26/06, Kevin Aebig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It depends what kind of implementation you're trying to accomplish. My
> point
> is that for someone without a lot of PHP experience, the nested
> associative
> arrays can intimidating.
> You seem to assume your views based on your own knowledge and skills, and
> that's fine. I judge software based on what an absolute novice would
> think...
> Cheers,
> Kevin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John C. Bland II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 5:48 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Getting data into Flash 8
> Sorry Kevin, AMFPHP is terribly simple to use. It only has 1 more step
> than
> CF (which is the method table for restricting access, etc). I wasn't going
> to respond but I figured it was nothing but a constructive conversation
> anyway. :-)
> On 2/24/06, Kevin Aebig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Haha... remoting with PHP is a lot more difficult.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: February 24, 2006 1:48 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: RE: Getting data into Flash 8
> >
> > Thanks Dave. I'll check that out.
> >
> > But yeah, I feel that they do make it complicated...too many steps to do
> > such a simple thing. How would you feel if you had to go through 6 or 7
> > steps just to get some data back from a datasource using ColdFusion.
> >
> > You'd probably feel like you were coding in PHP eh?
> >
> > <!----------------//------
> > andy matthews
> > web developer
> > ICGLink, Inc.
> > 615.370.1530 x737
> > --------------//--------->
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:43 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: RE: Getting data into Flash 8
> >
> >
> > MM didn't make it complex, you are making it complex, it ain't rocket
> > science.
> >
> > They pretty much do have drag and drop components already built in, you
> > can
> > have remoting working in under 30 seconds or there is the data connector
> > that's built in that can get data from a cfc or web service, again in
> > under
> > 30 seconds.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > atid=0&snid=sn106&itemnumber=13&extid=1011923&catid=0
> >
> > I suggest that you check out all the remoting tutorials at
> communitymx.com
> > or specifically this one
> > http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?cid=ADF3B
> >
> > or asfusion.com has quite a bit of info as well.
> >
> > ~Dave the disruptor~
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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