Let me give you my own personal experience, it might help.

6 years ago, I was the manager of a small (5 person) web design group
at a medium-sized software company.  At the time, I had about equal
experience with ASP and CF.

My team was great -- young, enthusiastic, willing to learn...but all
they knew was HTML (except for one, who could modify a .pl mailer
script and that was about it).  The challenge?  I was tasked with
converting our then-antiquated web site from static HTML to something
dynamic and hopefully content-managed.

I discussed the chellenges facing us with my team, and presented the
viable options - jsp, php, asp, cf.  We looked at code examples from
each together and narrowed the pack down to ASP (because of its market
relevance) and CF (because it was familiar to a person who knew HTML
with an understanding of the words "if" and "else" :)

I took my two most enthusiastic and promising individuals and gave
them a one-day coding challenge; I would create a database, they would
need to create interfaces that would insert, update, delete, and
display that data.  One would use ASP, the other would use CF.  For
the record, I put the person who was probably the smarter of the two
on the ASP project, and I bought each of them a good book to study the
night before so they could have some familiarity.

We started at 9AM the next day.  The person who was using CF finished
the task in three hours; the person who was using ASP was still
working on it at 4:30PM.  The next day, ASP guy came in and said
"screw it, I want to try this with CF".  He completed the task in
about 2.5 hours.  As a group, we made the decision then and there to
go with CF.

Over the next several weeks, I held daily brown bag lunch sessions
where we sat in a conference room and I went over best practices, some
SQL basics, and went into some CF intricacies.  Within a couple of
months, I felt that the entire team was proficient in CF, with one or
two showing true talent.  We never looked back from there.


On 3/28/06, amanda bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thanks eric - this helps.
> while i now clearly see the CF light...there's gotta be a darkside lurking
> somewhere. yeah? maybe just a little bitty one?
> scenario: i'm a designer trying to steer our team in a good direction but i
> stop at HTML.
> to me, the applications i've seen done in PHP aren't as elegant (?) as
> similar ones in CFM. (PHP has that e-commerce aftertaste)
> so i can feel realatively OK making a recommendation based on an internet
> forum exchange :) ---> if CF is so perfect, why aren't more people using it?
> i understand why coders must love it, but are users as happy? it is buggy?
> slow?
> thanks so much
> best,
> amanda
> On 3/27/06, Eric Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I would say mostly the coding time.  CF is close to what I would call a
> > rapid application development tool for the web.  I also find it to be
> > close
> > to an OOP approach to programming than PHP.  The code itself is less
> > intensive (though just as powerful) that PHP.  It cost more, but so does
> > any
> > quality tool.  I am not an expert in PHP, but if it is anything like ASP,
> > you would have to spend (either in actual dollars or in programming time)
> > the same amount that CF costs to get it to the same functional level as CF
> > is out of the box.  The extensibility of CF is amazing.  Ben Forta, who is
> > the CF Product Evangelist and General God of CF, put it best, CF is as
> > extensible as your programmers.  If you can write it in a language that
> > produces a dll, you can make it into a CF custom tag.
> >
> > You also have the advantage for your app, of real tight integration with
> > flash and other macromedia and soon...adobe technologies.   The language
> > itself, since it is tag based is real easy to learn.  It's outward
> > similarity to HTML gives it a familiar feel that makes learning a
> > snap.  Or
> > those that can afford it, Fast Track to CF, which is a 3 day course, will
> > take someone with no knowledge of CF and in 3 days give them the ability
> > to
> > write complex web apps with it.  I consider that a big huge mark on the
> > pro
> > side hehehe.  I am a bit biased though ;-)
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: amanda bradshaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, 27 March 2006 21:14
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: cfm vs. php?
> >
> > will admit upfront: i haven't a clue about CF.
> >
> > which is why i'm here.
> >
> > i'm trying to design an application where:
> >
> > user fills out some forms
> > (submits)
> > then their input is gathered + spit back out in a flash movie
> >
> > i've seen this accomplished in both .php and .cfm but don't know what the
> > difference is between the two or the PROS/CONS of each.
> >
> > can someone help me figure it out??
> >
> > many many thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> >

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