>-----Original Message-----
>*Really* ?
>What's up ?

Number one peeve: Can't pass java objects you created yourself to an EJB
in a different application on the same server: MX uses the classloader
of the various objects/parameters to figure out which method to call, so
it claims that no such method exists. Solutions (in order of "banging
your head against the wallness"):
- fiddle with classloader settings in bea - only works if you want to
talk to EJB's from ONE other app... 
- have the EJB give you "blank" instances of the objects which you then
customize and return to it. You get to handle the "why do we need this
method?" questions every time you break in a new Java dev.
- Dynamic proxy (which is how we went) - works, but that's code for
nothing, since a bog standard struts application deployed right next to
the cf one can do exactly what we're trying to do, no muss, no fuss.
Much ribbing by Java devs ensues.

Also, there's some kind of issue with memory not being released when you
redeploy cf - do it enough times and bang, out of memory error. Which
means you should restart the server when you redeploy the app. Round
here, that means a weekend, which means that operations hates you for
making them work on saturdays...

Then, there's the occasional null pointer exception being thrown from
the middle of code you haven't touched in donkey's years. solution:
bounce the app or better yet, the server. Thank god that only happens in
dev... so far.

My opinion: i just don't see what *real* benefits you get from the J2EE
configuration; i'm sure that the adobe/macromedia marketing department
finds it very useful to sell into big companies on the "Enterprise"
ticket, but my suggestion would be to stick with enterprise on JRUN

just my 0.02$


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