I realize that the STOP alone doesn't have an effect on the currently executing 
page - but didn't CF (pre-MX I guess) used to stop the current request when it 
saw a new request from the same browser?  I'm pretty sure that I used to be 
able to stop runnaway pages by hitting STOP and then browsing to another CF 
page - but maybe I'm just halucinating.

>>Am I in the middle of a brain-burp, or is it not in fact the case that CF
>>used to stop executing the current page if the user hit their stop button
>>and opened a new CF page?  I have pages that continue to execute even after
>>the user hits STOP and REFRESH - so now I have a couple of copies of the
>>same killer page executing at the same time!  Am I remembering things
>>wrong, or is this how it is supposed to be?  If the latter, then what
>>actually stops a page from executing before it finishes on its own?
>Clicking "Stop" in a web browser has never stop the server processing a
>request, all it does is tells the browser to stop listening for a response.
>In order to actually kill that process, you'd need access to the Java
>threads--or use a tool like SeeFusion (http://www.seefusion.com/) which will
>allow you to kill a running process.

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