> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:49 PM
> Does anyone have a good comparison of the two?

Not really.  I was looking forward to Mr Corfield's insights after he
mentioned he was taking a look at it, but he's presumably been too busy
of late as he only wrote one short article on the topic.

> So I understand that this will be a little tougher than just a
> "is x better than y" question.


> I tried getting RoR running on my local dev machine and was 
> immediately turned off by the fact that you have to do so much
> work using the command prompt. Have the RoR developers never
> heard of a web browser?

As they say, you gotta start somewhere.  What would you prefer - an
extra year of development time for a cross-platform GUI, or something
usable today?  There are two different OSS IDEs in development, both
based on Eclipse, so give them time and they'll have something tangible,
same as the CFEclipse team.  To be honest, there are only a few basic
commands that you need to know, and you'll remember them in no time

The way I see it is that they approach the issue from two distinct
points of view.   First off, you can't directly compare RoR and CF as
they provide two very different workflows - RoR has a vast array of
helpers in the forms of an ORB layer dubbed ActiveRecord, scaffolding to
automatically generate code for you, migrations and Capistrano for
simplifying deployment, etc; with CF you get the server and Notepad :o)
To fairly compare the two you need to start adding in extras to the CF
equation, which complicates life as there are many options for the
equivelant RoR layers - the ORB, the code generation, the framework
itself, the AJAX layer, etc.

Once you build up the CF side of the equation you have to start with the
core languages - Ruby versus ColdFusion.  Ruby itself is fairly
interesting language as compared to the C/C++/Java/Javascript view on
life - syntactically it seems designed around readibility and ease of
use for someone with no preconceptions, while CFML is very definitely
aimed towards people who know some HTML but want to easily expand that
knowledge to do more advanced things, and its ties to Java (and .NET via
BlueDragon.NET) expand this advanced-ness to joined-at-the-hip
integration with other systems.

Personally I think that every developer owes it to themselves to
continually expand their abilities through learning new technologies and
languages.  Amazon has been selling the first edition "Agile Web
Development with Ruby on Rails" book for under $20 for a while, so even
people on a tight budget should be able to give it a go.

Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - http://www.thelimucompany.com/ - 407-804-1014
#include <stdjoke.h>

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